
Сообщения за декабрь, 2022

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Zindan .  Ğaybullayeva Shaxina  Today we committing meeting at the 11 o'clock beside Ark .  After fathered everybody we started our journey to zindan of Bukhara with our teacher Sabina Sharipovna. .  One of. The most important monument of Bukhara is Zindan of emir that attracts people this it's mystery  This is one of the most enigmatic monuments of Bukhara was built in the 18 th centyre .  Zindan in Persian means prison ,. Well for the detention  The prison was built in the northwest corner of Shahristan and consisting of several chambers of debt . the cooler and dungeon laid of brick with diameter of about 5 metres and a depth of 6.5 metres   This place used to keep dangerous criminals .  Zindan is a pit which is located under the ground it is Shahristan . The prison contained not more than 40 people you can understand that in the city of Bukhara as it's now a very low level of crime .  At that time there were special officials who checked the presence of people in the p

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva .

 Toqi Telpakfrushon  Shaxina Ğaybullayeva .  Hello everybody We went to the Toqi Telpakfrushon market on our practise day today . As always we saw a lot of handicrafts there . It was great .  A little to the north from Toqi  Sarrafon there located a large Telpakfrushon trading dome This is a massive complex having a hexagoal orientation . Under its spherical dome there concentrate shops selling knives jewelleries music instruments and various remembrances .   In the middle ages Bukhara was a major shopping centre . Merchants from all over the world like China Russian Indian Iran and all of Central Asia passing a lot the Great Silk road .  Stopped in Bukhara .  Thus Bukhara began to built up buy bazaars and shopping streets . In the squares and crossroads of the streets complex multi vaulted domes overlapping the current the arch and the vault  Today the Bukhara 4 trading domes  Toqi Zargaron Toqi Sarrafon  Toqi Telpakfrushon Tim Andullahkahn  All of the four domes are unique in archite

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva.

 Toqi Zargaron.  Shaxina Ğaybullayeva . Hello everybody. In the practise our practise was Toqi Zargaron trade dom .  The practise organized at. 10 30. and we get together beside the Mağoki Attori mosque .  The weather is very cold . 🥶🥶and that's why our hands were frozen Nevertheless we started our practise leadership Sabina Sharipovna .  Here wa The Toqi Zargaron dome is translated as the dome of jewellers This is a indoor market located at the crossroads of the once.   busy shopping streets of Bukhara . The dome of Toqi Zargaron was built in first in 1586. 1587 by Abdullakhan  The complex was intented  for jewellery trade . Previously there were 36 jewellery shops. Selling a variety of ornaments. Today you can buy jewellers souviners , painted shavls household items. In the Bukhara style.  The dome of Abdullakhan is covered market in Bukhara built in 1577 under the Shaybanid dunasty .  Here as well as many years ago you can buy handmade carpet painted embroidered with gold kerc

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

Bolo Khavuz.  Day 8  Shaxina Ğaybullayeva.  Hello everyone . We began eighth day of practise.  It started 11 o'clock. We wanted began and finish practise because the weather is very cold.    Our eighth practise is Bolo Khavuz . Our teacher who was Sabina Sharipovna gave a lot of useful information about it . Bolo Khavuz was  very beautiful .  The largest cities in the Orient had one striking feature in common and that was the mandatory  existence of Registan This was the name of the central city Square where many public buildings were located  The cities was important mosques large palaces minarets were located here as well as hospitals ,  Chambers of commerce and the state chancellery  The name of completes translates  into English as children's pool It is related to the fact that the Bolo Khavuz was used as a water source    Practically everywhere in Central Asia there were problems with the availability of drinking water . For this reason it's necessary to build artifici

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva.

 Ark.  Ğaybullayeva Shaxina. Hello everybody. This is a sixth day of our practise We began the second half of our practise  It happened Ark citadel  The weather is very cold.  Now I am going to talk about Ark .  The Ark of Bukhara is the massive fortress located in the city of Bukhara . Uzbekistan that was initially built and occupied around five century  .  In addition to built a manitory structure the Ark encompassed what was essentially a town that during much of a fortress history  Was inhabited by the various royal court s that have sway over the region surrounding Bukhara . Our coursemates Samiya give some information about it to us. Her information is very useful for me . So I listen him .  The Ark was used as a fortress untill it fell to Russian in 1920. Currently the Ark is the tourists attraction and houses museum covering its history .  The museum's and other restored areas include an archeological museum , the throne room the reception and coronation court a local histo

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Toqi Sarrafon  Day 5.  Ğaybullayeva Shaxina . Hello everyone . Today was our fifth practise day  The weather is getting colder day by day .  It was colder than other days . We learned about the tasks and past tasks of Taqi Sarrafon .  For fifth practise day 3 girls were on duty Feruza  Marjona And me.  I am very happy because I really want to know about Toqi Sarrafon and practise was reason for it. I tried to learn more and share information with my groupmates  The medieval Bukhara was a trending city welcoming merchants from all parts of Central Asia ,from Iran and India, from Russian and China . The trading status of Bukhara reflected in the planning and development of the city.  Large cities in the centre served as bazars each selling a particular type of product . Complex multiply  ventilated domed floors were built for there improvement in the squares and crossroads of the streets , known as 'stream '-arches ,vaults.  Three much structures have been preserved : 1. Zargaro

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Blacksmith museum.  Day 4  Ğaybullayeva Shaxina  Hello everybody. Today was the forth day of our practise. And we visited the blackmith museum which most of groupmates didn't know.  Then all off us saw all blackmith metals . Such as knife hammer and so on . Then Mohitobon Oysara and Zarina give useful information for us about Blackmith museum. One of the main activities of Bukhara museum preserve is to revive and support traditional Bukharan handicraft. In 1992 the blackmith museum workshop the only one of its type on Uzbekistan.was set up  In the 16 th century kalyuta karavansarai.  The museum workshop is a living museum . Not only could one one learn there the history of ancient blackmith craft but also participate in making blackmith products . In this picture , tourists come to blackmith museum and they are observe this museum  Inside blackmith museum a lot of interesting iron metals .  Usto Shokir Kamolov who comes of a family of  blacksmith is the sensor researcher of the mu