Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Blacksmith museum. 

Day 4 

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina 

Hello everybody. Today was the forth day of our practise. And we visited the blackmith museum which most of groupmates didn't know. 

Then all off us saw all blackmith metals . Such as knife hammer and so on .
Then Mohitobon Oysara and Zarina give useful information for us about Blackmith museum.

One of the main activities of Bukhara museum preserve is to revive and support traditional Bukharan handicraft.

In 1992 the blackmith museum workshop the only one of its type on Uzbekistan.was set up 
In the 16 th century kalyuta karavansarai. 
The museum workshop is a living museum . Not only could one one learn there the history of ancient blackmith craft but also participate in making blackmith products .

In this picture , tourists come to blackmith museum and they are observe this museum 
Inside blackmith museum a lot of interesting iron metals . 

Usto Shokir Kamolov who comes of a family of 

blacksmith is the sensor researcher of the museum . The museum workshop has swords 

Knives and arrow heads and ceafments instrument . 

Then our practise teacher who is Sabina Sharipova give essential information us . And we listen her . Her information is very useful for me. 

So our fourth practise day was over. It was rich an nesessary facts however I learned a lot of things. and information about Blackmith museum.I am very happy  . 

See you soon . ☺️😌


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Ğaybullayeva Shaxina.