Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Zindan . 

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina 

Today we committing meeting at the 11 o'clock beside Ark . 

After fathered everybody we started our journey to zindan of Bukhara with our teacher Sabina Sharipovna. . 

One of. The most important monument of Bukhara is Zindan of emir that attracts people this it's mystery 

This is one of the most enigmatic monuments of Bukhara was built in the 18 th centyre . 

Zindan in Persian means prison ,. Well for the detention 

The prison was built in the northwest corner of Shahristan and consisting of several chambers of debt . the cooler and dungeon laid of brick with diameter of about 5 metres and a depth of 6.5 metres 

 This place used to keep dangerous criminals . 

Zindan is a pit which is located under the ground it is Shahristan . The prison contained not more than 40 people you can understand that in the city of Bukhara as it's now a very low level of crime . 

At that time there were special officials who checked the presence of people in the prayers They were called rais and darradats . 

In that case , if the citizen didn't show up for prayer he was required to submit a valid reason. For rais otherwise he was severally punished 

Today's our practise was great and filled in experiences and impression I haven't seen this place before I am glad of to seeing it ☺️☺️🖐️.

Thank you for your attention. 



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