
Сообщения за апрель, 2023

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Day 15  Tim of Abdulla khan  Hello everyone 🤩🤗🖐️ Our today practise is Tim of Abdulla khan .     Abdullakhan Timi is the largest covered shopping center in Bukhara. It was built during the reign of Abdullah Khan. (1577). The base of Abdullakhan temple is square (39X42 m), closed on 3 sides, and is entered with a pediment in the form of a head. There are arched shelves on both sides of the walls. A high-domed porch surrounds the tim. The mionsaray in the middle (diameter - 10 m) is covered with a high dome. Light shines through arched openings under the dome. Corridor around Mionsaray. There were shops with dome roofs in the small corridors. The building is made of adobe (22x27x3.5 cm), the walls are plastered, and almost no ornaments have been preserved. In the past, silk and wool gauze were traded here. Abdullakhan Timi is considered to be the largest among the shopping stalls and buildings in Bukhara, and it is very complex and beautiful in terms of its shape and appearance. It h

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Day 14 Abdulaziz Khan madrasah  Hello🤗🖐️ Our practise is Abdulaziz Khan madrasah  Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah is a part of architectural ensemble of Ulugbek Madrasah, however, it is much bigger and more beautiful. The portal of madrasah is decorated with rich patterns, in the decoration of which was used yellow paint. There were also used different technologies during the construction of the building: carved tile and mosaic, relief majolica, carved marble, gilding.  There are pictures of Chinese dragon and bird of happiness Semurg on the walls, here you can also read poems of famous poets. Madrasah has two mosques - winter and summer, the walls and ceiling decoration is extremely luxury. In 1988 there was built museum exhibition, where were presented dervishes’ staffs, carved doors, boxes and more. XV-XVIII centuries the woodcarver’s era prospered in Central Asia. There is an art carving in the decoration of mosques, madrasas, headstones, gates, etc. It is known that Ulughbek was not on

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Day 13  Uluğbek madrasah  Hello🖐️🖐️ Today our practise to Ulugʻbek madrasah  This building is very beautiful and interesting . The weather is very good . the advent of Ulugbek began the heyday of science and culture. In Registan Square Ulugbek had ordered to build a "madrasah that would be unequaled in beauty and proportions of proportionality has not been all over the world." In this madrasah studied more than a hundred students and taught outstanding scientists - Rumi, Jamshid Kashi Kushchi Ali and many others. At the court of Ulugbek, despite harsh Islamic law he reined easily. madrasah is located in the main square of Samarkand – Registan. It was constructed in 1417 during the reign of Ulugbek. Great scientist, astronomer and mathematician, Ulugbek, being a grandson of Tamerlane, ruled the country for forty years, and during that time the Samarkand city has gained fame as a Science Center of Middle Ages. Ulugbek was born in 1394, in one of the military campaigns of his

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Day 12  Bahouddin Naqshband  Hello everyone 🤗 Today our practise to Bahouddin Naqshband .  There is very beautiful Memorial complex of the great Sufi, asked and saint Sheikh Bahauddin Naqshbandi is near Bukhara. Naqshbandi was born in 1318 in a small village in Bukhara in the family of a weaver, later he had an invaluable influence on the thought formation in Central Asia. In youth, he wove patterned silk fabric. Not for nothing, he was considered the patron of all craftsmen. According to his studying, if a person works manually it gives him the right to independence in the work, actions and thoughts. His famous statement: “Allah is in mind, and hands – in the work”. There is a wishing stone – Sangi Murod inside the wall of the mausoleum. Believers from different countries come here to ask for the fulfillment of wishes. It is believed that Naqshbandi averts disaster. 1993, the Muslim shrine was restored, notably the entrance hall and painted aivans inside the courtyard were completed

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Day 11  Nadir Devonbegi  Hello everyone 🖐️☺️ Today our next practise to Nadir Devonbegi . The weather is very sunny Now I am going to share my blog about nadir devonbegi.  Our teacher Inobat Zoirovna give us some information about it and we listen him.  Nadir Divan-begi ordered to build khanaka (a place for Sufis to reflect and rest), later caravansari was added. However, at the opening ceremony, Imamkuli-khan said that caravansari was built in the glory of the Allah, therefore the vizier had to reconstruct it into the madrasah. The Nadir Divan-begi madrasah is decorated in the style typical for all Muslim monuments of Central Asia. At the same time, the images of birds, animals and a human being - sun were also used in decoration, and it was uncharacteristic for Islamic monuments. The Nadir Divan-begi Madrasah was built on the model of Sherdor in Samarkand but famous lions at the portal were replaced with mythical birds of happiness. The transformed the caravansari into madrasah, th

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Day 10  Sitorai Mohi Xosa  Hello everyone ☺️☺️🤩 Today our next practise day . THE weather is very good . This day our practise Sitorai Mohi Xosa  . This building is very beautiful.  Sitorai Mohi-Hosa Palace is a countryside residence of Bukhara emirs. It is located 4 km to the north of Bukhara and belonged to the last governing emir of Bukhara Said Alimkhan (1911-1920). The name of the palace means "stars meet the moon". Built in 1911 for the last emir, Alim Khan, the three-building compound incorporates elements of both Russian and traditional Bukharan architecture. Under construction for two decades, beginning from the end of the 19th century. Firstly, the group of local architects headed by Usto Hodja Hafiz had built a magnificent object which combined local Bukhara and European traditions. The main structure of this palace is granted to the throne hall. Under its arks the public meetings of the elite authorities used to be held. Grand historical value is attributed to t

Shaxina Ğaybullayeva

 Day 9  Sadriddin Ayniy museum.  Hello everyone 👋👋 Today our practise Sadriddin Ayniy museum☺️ The weather is very good   The  advocated secular education and liberation of spiritual sphere. In Ayni’s poetic and prosaic legacy, one could see further development of the traditions of both classical and Jadid literature in the Uzbek and Tajik languages. His works such as “Odina,” “The Money-Lender’s Death,” “The Slaves,” “Dakhunda,” and “The Memories” are the great achievements of the Uzbek and Tajik literature.       The memorial museum, located in the Kukeldash madrasa, in Lyab-i Hauz ensemble, is devoted to the life of Sadriddin Ayni and Jalol Ikromi, the outstanding classical writers of the Uzbek and Tajik literature. In the beginning of the 20th century, Bukhara was a center of the Jadid reformers. This historical movement created many talented writers and poets, including Sadriddin Ayni and Jalol Ikromi. In comparison with the previous literary trends, two scholars’ works came to