
Сообщения за май, 2024

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

 DAY 10  TODAY OUR LAST PRACTISE DAY .  TODAY WE WENT BOQIY BUXORO . WE GATHERED AT 9 :30 . AND OUR PRACTISE TEACHER GIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THERE.   BEFORE I DID NOT THERE . I LEARN SOME INFORMATION ABOUT THERE.   According to the given information, on August 30, 2010, the monument "Old and Eternal Bukhara," which was initiated, funded, and guided by President Islam Karimov, was unveiled. It included the magnificent building of the provincial musical drama theater and an amphitheater, forming the complex known as the "Bukhara Civic Center." The central part of the "Old and Eternal Bukhara" monument featured a three-generation happy family: grandparents, parents, and children, symbolizing prosperity. The relief sculptures of the grandparents nurturing their grandchildren and the parents building a home were prominently displayed.This was the last blog of our practice day. We have visited 10 places during our practice and learnt information about these place

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

 DAY 9  HELLO EVERBODY TODAY OUR PRACTISE DAY . TODAY WE WENT MODARIXON MADRASAH .  THIS MADRASAH IS VERY BEAUTIFUL . BEFORE I DID NOT GO THERE. AND OUR TEACHER GIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THERE. I LEARNED A LOT OF INFORMATION ABOUT THERE  NOW I AM GOING TO GIVE SOME INFORMATION.   Modari-Khan Madrasah forms a single ensemble with the Abdullah Khan Madrasah in Bukhara. The complex is called the Kosh Madrasah, which is translated as “double madrasah”. The Modari-Khan was dedicated to the mother of the ruler, and its name can be translated as “the mother of the Khan”. It may have been a “first attempt” in complex construction, but this building is smaller than the other building in the ensemble. The Abdullah Khan Madrasah built in the honor of Abdullah Khan II whose reign was a true golden age for beautiful Bukhara was built later and became a prominent creation of the architects of that time. However, construction of the Modari-Khan was performed at a high level of quality, which is confirme

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

 DAY 8  HELLO EVERBODY TODAY OUR PRACTISE DAY . TODAY WE WENT KHOJA ZAYNIDDIN MOSQUE . WEATHER IS VERY GOOD . AND THEN OUR PRACTISE TEACHER GIVE A LOT OF USEFUL INFORMATION . NOW I AM GOING TO GIVE SOME INFORMATION ABOUT SOME INFORMATION .  Hoja Zayniddin is a mid-16th century mosque located at the junction of two side streets 300 meters southwest of the Po-i-Kalyan square within the shahr-i-darun, or "inner city". Although its interior houses the grandest dome in Bukhara, very little of substance is known about the origin of the building—both its sponsor and its architect have been lost to the mists of time. Even so, the quality of construction, its proximity to the heart of the city, and its large footprint strongly suggest it was a product of the city's ruling elite, or even of the Khan himself. Design and Description Like all mosques in central Asia, the mosque is organized around an east-west axis canted to the south, toward Mecca, with the qibla wall to the west. Th

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

 DAY 7  HELLO EVERBODY TODAY OUR PRACTISE DAY. TODAY WE WENT MAĞOKI ATTOR .  WE CAME THERE 9:30  AND OUR TEACHER GIVE US A LOT OF INFORMATION ABOUT THERE . construction in 714 is associated with the name of the Arab Sheikh, Governor of Khorasan, Qutayba Ibn Muslim – one of the first people who brought Islam to the territory of Central Asia. Even before the arrival of the Arabs to Bukhara, a bazaar was located on the site of the mosque, where before the establishment of Islam, Zoroastrian idols, medicinal herbs and spices – attoron – were sold. And in the beginning, this place was called Attoron Bazaar. There was also a cult Zoroastrian temple of the Moon.In order not to drown out the history of the area, the mosque, built on the site of the destroyed temple of the Zoroastrians, was named Magoki Attori.During its long history, the Magoki mosque suffered from several major fires and was reconstructed more than once. The last construction was carried out in the early XII century.In 1541,

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

 DAY 6  HELLO EVERBODY  TODAY OUR SIX PRACTISE DAY  TODAY WE WENT 9:30 .  AND OUR TEACHER GIVE US A LOT OF INFORMATION ABOUT THERE As with the dome, the ruin is devoid of decoration apart from the monumental pishtaq (main entrance), where some tilework remains. It comprises a blue-and-white border of stylized flowers, or vines, inset with a series of square Kufic inscriptions. The quality of the decoration is subpar compared with many of the city's other mausolea, but is important from a historical perspective as it remains in an unrestored state. The area around the mausoleum is one of the city's largest and oldest burial grounds, and close to the site of a former market known as the "green bazaar". The life and career of Turki Jandi himself is something of a mystery—this author has not been able to find any reliable biographical information. The surname "Jandi" may be a reference to a place of birth, perhaps the medieval town of Jand (a.k.a. Jend), which w

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina


Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

DAY 4  HELLO EVERBODY  TODAY OUR FOURTH PRACTISE DAY  TODAY WE GO BOBOYI PORADOZ . WE CAME THERE 9:30 . OUR TEACHER GIVE US A LOT OF INFORMATION ABOUT US .  The floor of the mausoleum is laid with brick - whole bricks and fragments of various shapes, among which scientists have found several fragments of unglazed clay. The top of the mausoleum consists of a small and a large dome. The interior of the mausoleum is made of marble, and for the convenience of pilgrims, there are seats on both sides.The Boboyi Poradoz Mausoleum (Uzbek: Boboyi Poradoʻz maqbarasi) is a monument of architecture in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. The mausoleum was built in the 19th century and is located behind the Salakhona gate. Today the mausoleum is located opposite the Ibn Sina Library of Bukhara. The mausoleum is included in the National List of Objects of Material Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan of Republican Importance. considered a contemporary of shoemakers. He was considered the patron of all craftsmen who deal

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

 DAY 3  HELLO EVERBODY  TODAY OUR THIRD PRACTISE DAY . TODAY WE WENT PRIDASTGIR  WE CAME THERE 9 30 . AND OUR TEACHER GIVE US A LOT OF INFORMATION ABOUT THERE .  NOW I AM GOING TO GIVE SOME INFORMATION ABOUT THERE . We go to the Pridastgir shrine with my groupmates. Hazrat Sheikh Sayyid Muhyiddin Abdul Qodir Jiyanlani was born in 1079 AD in the village of Bashtir, jiylan province of Iran and died in 1166.AD . Jilani first studied under Abu Zakariyya Tabrizi . At the age of sixteen he went to Baghdod and studied the science of Kalam and hadith from the great scholars such as Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad. This place left a great impression on us . Because this place was very beautiful and clean. There was also a prayer place here. People used to come here to pray. Imam gave us enough information about this place and we got the information we needed by exploring this place.🙂 See you on next practice days! 🥰

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

 Day 2  HELLO EVERBODY . TODAY our second practise day . Today We went Chorminor . Before I did not go there.   We came there 9:30 . And our teacher give us a lot of information about there  Now I give some information   East of the Old Town, one block north of M Ambar, is the Chor Minor, a stubby, brick-built structure with four turquoise domes. The Chor Minor (Four Minarets in Tajik) is one of the most charming and quirky buildings in Bukhara, all the more surprising because, built in 1807, it dates from a period of suffocating cultural stagnation. Photogenic little Chor Minar, in a maze of alleys between Pushkin and Hoja Nurabad, bears more relation to Indian styles than to anything Bukharan. The building, resembling an upside-down chair thrust deep into the ground, is merely the darvazakhana gatehouse of a madrassah (90 by 40 metres) built by the rich Turkmen merchant Khalif Niyazkul. If you view the building from the south you are standing in the madrassah courtyard with its forme

Ğaybullayeva Shaxina

 Day 1  HELLO EVERBODY  Today our first practise day . Our first practise day become very good .  Today We went Chorbakr . Now I give some informatsion about there . Five kilometers away to the west from Bukhara, where the fields are separated by rows of mulberry trees, there is one of the most unusual landmarks – the Chor-Bakr Necropolis, also called the city of the dead. The first graves there appeared thousand years ago, when there was a small settlement of dervishes. But the magnificent architectural ensemble, now visited by thousands of pilgrims was not built until the XVI century. In the X century when Bukhara was under the Samanid dynasty, there lived an old family of Djuybar Seyyids (Prophet Muhammad’s descendants), who played an important role in the city’s life. For centuries the Djuybars were buried in this country cemetery. In the year 1560 the Shaybanid Dynasty ruler Abdullakhan II decided to memorialize the noble family, and ordered to build a mosque, madrasah and khanaka